7 Ways to maintain a Healthy Gut


7 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Gut

The equilibrium of bacteria in the digestive tract is referred to as gut health. The gastrointestinal tract, or gut, is a tube-like passage that starts at the mouth and terminates at the anus. This is where the leftover food is digested, absorbed, and eliminated. Human health depends on a variety of microorganisms. The microbes in our gut control the responsiveness of the entire immune system. An imbalance causes the T and B cells to attack harmless cells, triggering an autoimmune response. Healing your gut starts with knowing exactly how your food is digested. Try these 7 simple techniques to boost your gut health for better digestion and metabolism.


1.   Have a balanced diet

     Consume fresh, unprocessed and clean food. Eat more fibre, vegetables, fruits and nuts. Some of them are beans, whole grains, chickpeas, oats, barley, broccoli, banana, raspberries, walnuts and almond.


2.   Eat probiotics and fermented food

 Probiotics boost the number of beneficial microorganisms in your gut. Plain natural yoghurt, kefir, kimchi, fermented vegetables, kombucha, miso, and sauerkraut are a few examples. Lactobacilli bacteria, which convert sugar to acids and alcohols, are abundant in probiotics.



3.   Reduce your intake of sugar and artificial sweeteners.

 When you consume a lot of sugar and sweets, your gut microorganisms become unbalanced, which increases your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Sugar encourages yeast growth, which disrupts intestinal flora.

Replace it with a piece of fruit or a dark chocolate bar high in polyphenols.


Here is how you can handle sugar cravings:

1.    Add whole grains like brown rice, barley, ragi and millets to your daily diet. Chew these well.

2.    Eat one portion of protein at meals: sprouts, fish, eggs or chicken.

3.    Drink carrot juice daily.

4.    Include sweet vegetables in your diets, such as red pumpkin, onions, cabbage and carrot.

5.    Include good fats like avocados, oily fish and nuts.

6.    Cut back on salt, as eating too much of it will make you crave more sweet food.




4.   Reduce your stress levels.

 Gut health is influenced by stress. When you are under stress, the body releases cortisol in excessive amounts which in turn leads to inflammation. High levels will make you age faster and low levels will cause adrenal fatigue.

Sleep for at least eight hours.

Meditation and deep breathing are two stress-reduction approaches.


5.   Antibiotics and Painkillers should not be used unnecessarily.

 Antibiotics literally means ‘against life’. Antibiotics are frequently required to fight bacterial infection, but abuse leads to antibiotic resistance. Antibiotics harm the gut microbiome and immune system. After you've used these, aim to eat a clean, vegetarian diet that's free of processed foods.

Good Gut Bite

Natural Painkillers:

1.    Arnica: This is a homoeopathic remedy known to fight pain, injury, sprains etc.

2.    Ginger compress: Make ginger juice and apply to pain areas.

3.    Craniosacral therapy: This is a biodynamic therapy, tapping into the cerebrospinal fluid which bathes and nourishes the brain and nervous system, and helps in healing your condition.


6.   Avoid smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages.

 Smoking and drinking have negative effects on the gut, as well as the heart and lungs, and raise the chance of cancer. Inflammatory bowel disease is increased by smoking because it increases the quantities of potentially harmful microbes while decreasing the numbers of healthy ones (IBD).

Alcohol will cause you to crave for more sugar. The sugars from alcohol will also feed the bad microbiota in your gut, causing them to multiply. Constipation, diarrhoea, and bloating are all symptoms of daily alcohol consumption.

Oxygen therapy will greatly benefit the alcoholics and smokers who have damaged their liver and brain functions.


7.   Exercise regularly

 Regular exercise promotes heart health and weight loss, both of which helps to control obesity and improve gut health.

Working out daily improves the diversity of organisms.


A healthy gut is linked to improved overall health and immunological function. However, before making any major dietary changes, a person should consult with their doctor.

Simple positive changes, such as increasing fibre in your diet, exercising, sleeping, and avoiding unneeded medicine, can help you achieve a healthy gut.


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